Parent and Family Support Advisor (PFSA)
"The most important thing in the world is family and love.” – John Wooden
What is a PFSA?
Parent and Family Support Advisors (PFSAs) work with school-aged children and their families that require additional support. PFSAs work within Somerset Council’s Early Help Framework to enable high-quality support for children/young people and families at the earliest possible stage.
Parent and Family Support Advisors (PFSAs) work with school-aged children and their families that require additional support. PFSAs work within Somerset Council’s Early Help Framework to enable high-quality support for children/young people and families at the earliest possible stage.
PFSAs work closely and collaboratively with schools, families and other support services in order to improve attendance, engagement and outcomes for children. The needs of the child/young person or family form the basis of all the work completed. Where there is a need for support from other services, PFSAs can act as the Lead Professional.
PFSAs are only able to engage in work with families with their informed consent and agreement.
Support is based on the needs the child/young person or family has at the time. Support plans are reviewed regularly to ensure needs continue to be met and that progress is made.
What does PFSA support look like?
The support is provided through a 6 week rolling programme with a mid-point review at 3 weeks and a Team around the Family (TAF) meeting at 6 weeks. During this time, families will be supported by our PFSA following a triaging process through weekly or fortnightly visits, with additional phone calls throughout. During the initial consultation, an action plan is set, and weekly targets agreed to help support the family to address concerns, worries or potential challenges. Throughout the programme, our PFSA provides strategies, guidance and resources to support your family’s needs and can reach out, provide links and referrals to external agencies when required.
PFSA support advocates families working together to create a safe, loving and caring home environment.
What can a PFSA help me with?
Our PFSA can offer support in the following areas (but not limited to):
- school refusal, attendance and emotional based school avoidance
- behaviour management (anger, big emotions, anxiety)
- boundaries and routines
- anxiety/separation anxiety
- grief and bereavement
- emotional coaching and processing
- child on parent abuse
- sleep routines
- personal hygiene
- those at risk of suspension or permanent exclusion
Additionally, we provide workshops for all families with children/young people across the Trust. Families who aren’t receiving PFSA support through the rolling programme may also attend. Examples of workshops; behaviour management, sleep hygiene, healthy eating, behaviour management.
We also host coffee mornings and workshops with external agencies such as Weston Hospice, the school nursing team, Macmillan cancer etc.
How can I receive PFSA support?
Speak to your school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, SENCO or Headteacher. The school will place an Early Help Assessment referral and submit it to our PFSA. Our PFSA will be in contact as soon as possible.
How do I get in touch?
For more information or to reach out directly, please contact the school regarding a referral or email Chloe at
Our PFSA has also had additional training in these areas:
- Tuning into Kids (
- When the Adult Change (
- Advanced Safeguarding