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Communication and Language

4 & 5-year-olds: Communication and Language

  • I understand how to listen carefully, e.g. I make sure I can see the person who is talking.
  • I know why listening is important.
  • I am learning lots of new words.
  • I am using new words that I have learned. I can ask questions to find out more about something I am interested in.
  • I can use clear, well-formed sentences to talk about my ideas.
  • I can talk about an idea and make a connection to another idea by using words like: ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’, ‘because.’
  • I can talk about things that I have experienced in detail.
  • I can talk about how to solve problems and give explanations about how things work and might happen.
  • I can use and respond to social phrases such as when somebody says: “Good morning, how are you?”
  • I can retell familiar stories, remember and repeat phrases from these. I can talk about stories in my own words.
  • I am using new words that I have learned in lots of different ways.
  • I enjoy listening carefully to rhymes and songs and pay attention to the different sounds.
  • I enjoy learning rhymes, poems and songs.
  • I am interested in using books that give me information, like a book about caring for pets.
  • I listen to information books and can talk about what I have learned.
  • I enjoy listening and responding to stories at storytime.
  • I enjoy listening to stories. I can talk about my favourite and familiar stories.