4 & 5 -year -olds: Literacy
- I can read individual letters by saying the sounds for them.
- I can blend sounds into words. This helps me to read short words made up of known letter -sound correspondences. Such as ‘h-a-t’. • I am learning to read some letter groups such as ‘th’, ‘sh’, ‘ee’ and say the sounds for them.
- I can read some common exception words such as ‘do’ and ‘said’ (these will be linked to the phonics programme at your child’s school).
- I can read simple phrases and sentences that are made up of words with familiar letter-sound correspondences. I can read a few exception words where needed.
- I re-read these books at home and in school. I am building up my confidence in word reading, my fluency. I am understanding and enjoying these books.
- I can form lower-case and capital letters correctly.
- I can spell words by identifying the sounds. I can write the sound with letter/s.
- I can write short sentences with words when I know the soundletter correspondences. I can use a capital letter and a full stop.
- I re-read what I have written to check that it makes sense.